San Francisco Bay Area 3D Matterport Virtual Tours



When it comes to showcasing your property in the most immersive and realistic way possible, Matterport Showcase sets the standard. It surpasses traditional 360 tours or video tours, providing an unparalleled online experience that truly transports viewers into the property. With Matterport, potential buyers can virtually walk through a house, zoom in on objects, and grasp the floor-plan without setting foot inside. It's an extraordinary tool that brings properties to life. At Home Shots, we have honed our expertise in utilizing Matterport technology, making us one of the leading providers of real estate virtual tours in the San Francisco Bay Area. With the incredible features offered by Matterport, such as dimension measurement, it's no wonder that this service is gaining immense popularity in real estate marketing. As a real estate agent, offering a virtual tour of your property goes the extra mile in attracting attention and distinguishing yourself as a top-notch professional. And don't limit your imagination to residential properties alone - Matterport works wonders for showcasing commercial spaces like offices and workspaces too.

  • Interactive 3D and VR Experiences

  • 4K Resolution

  • Includes Dollhouse 3D View

  • Branded and Unbranded MLS compliant links

  • 360° Photos for Exterior (Up to 5 Photos)

  • Includes 3 months of hosting. Renewals are available at $75 / 3 months.

  • Next-Day Turnaround (by 11 AM)

1-999 sq ft: $250
1000-1999 sq ft: $300
2000-2999 sq ft: $350
3000-3999 sq ft: $400
4000-4999 sq ft: $450
5000-7000 sq ft: $550

Hosting Extension: $30 / Month
Hosting Extension: $75 / 3 Months
Hosting Extension: $250 / Year
Floor Plan: $75
Aerial Photos (6 Photos): $150
Same-Day Rush (By 9 PM): $75


Why Top San Francisco Bay Area Realtors are Choosing Matterport Virtual Tours?

In the bustling real estate landscape of the San Francisco Bay Area, staying ahead means embracing technology that revolutionizes how properties are showcased. At Home Shots Media, a leader in Real Estate Photography Services, we've witnessed a paradigm shift towards Matterport Virtual Tours, a tool increasingly chosen by top Realtors, Property Management companies, retail stores, offices, architects, and builders. This article delves into why Matterport is becoming the go-to choice in our tech-savvy market.

What is Matterport?

Matterport Virtual Tours represent a leap in real estate visualization technology. Unlike traditional photography or video, Matterport creates immersive 3D walkthroughs, allowing potential buyers and clients to explore properties virtually, with a realism that's almost palpable.

Evolution in Real Estate Showcasing

The Bay Area, known for its technological innovation, has seen Matterport's rise align with its digital-forward market. The post-pandemic era, in particular, has amplified the need for detailed, accessible virtual tours, placing Matterport at the forefront of real estate marketing tools.

Benefits of Matterport Tours for Real Estate Professionals

Interactive Experience

Matterport Tours are not just visual experiences; they're interactive journeys. Prospective buyers can navigate through properties at their leisure, getting a sense of space and layout that static images can't provide. This level of interaction leads to deeper engagement and a stronger connection to the property.

High-Quality Visualization

The fidelity of a Matterport Tour is unmatched. These tours capture the minutiae of a space - the play of light, the texture of materials, and the flow from room to room. It’s a visual feast that conveys more than just appearance; it communicates the essence of a property.

Time Savings

In an industry where time is as valuable as the property itself, Matterport Tours are a godsend. They reduce the need for numerous in-person showings, freeing up valuable time for both realtors and clients. This efficiency is not just convenient; it’s transformative.

Advantages Across Various Sectors


For realtors in the San Francisco Bay Area, Matterport Tours are a game-changer. They enhance listings, provide a competitive edge, and often lead to faster sales by appealing to tech-savvy buyers who expect immersive experiences.

Property Management Companies

Property managers find Matterport Tours invaluable for showcasing their portfolios. Whether it’s a high-rise apartment or a commercial space, these tours provide a comprehensive view that’s accessible to potential renters or lessees worldwide.

Retail Stores and Offices

Retail stores and offices can leverage Matterport Tours to design virtual spaces that captivate potential customers and clients. It’s an innovative way to market commercial spaces beyond the conventional methods.

Architects and Builders

For architects and builders, Matterport Tours serve as a powerful tool to display design and craftsmanship. They allow for a detailed presentation of architectural feats and interior designs, communicating the vision and execution of projects with stunning clarity.

Home Shots Media’s Expertise in Matterport Tours

At Home Shots Media, we don’t just create Matterport Tours; we craft virtual experiences. Our specialized equipment and techniques are tailored to the unique architectural styles and interiors of the San Francisco Bay Area. Our team, steeped in the local real estate market, brings a depth of experience that transforms standard listings into compelling visual narratives.

Matterport’s Role in a Competitive Market

In the competitive San Francisco real estate market, standing out is crucial. Matterport Tours offer that edge. They are not just marketing tools; they are storytelling platforms that showcase properties in a way that resonates with buyers and renters alike. In a market crowded with listings, Matterport Tours cut through the noise, attract more views, and generate quicker responses.

The Future of Real Estate Marketing in the Bay Area

Looking ahead, the trajectory of real estate marketing in the Bay Area is irrevocably intertwined with technological advancements. Matterport Tours are at the forefront, redefining how properties are presented and experienced. They are not just a current trend; they are the future of real estate showcasing.


Matterport Virtual Tours have become indispensable in the real estate toolbox, especially in a market as dynamic and tech-forward as the San Francisco Bay Area. At Home Shots Media, we pride ourselves on being at the vanguard of this technology, providing our clients with the most immersive and detailed property viewing experience available. Embrace the future of real estate marketing with us, and see the difference a Matterport Tour can make to your listings.